About Silver Lining Chorus

The beginning..

Our chorus formed in January 2000 with 9 members.  We attended our first convention in October 2000 as observers with 12 members and in 2001 we competed with 18 singers as full members of the Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers (LABBS) with our director Sara Jackson. 

Getting through to the finals at our first attempt was very exciting, we came 21st out of 30 choruses and we continue to improve each year. Now being a well established chorus we are currently scoring 72% at the 2019 LABBS Convention Competition maintaining our top 10 position.

Our members..

We have around 45 members usually with 2 or 3 in the pipeline working to achieve full membership with the chorus.  Members have a wide range of jobs, ages and interests within the chorus which makes for a great mix. The one thing that we all have in common of course is our love of 4 part harmony singing and our music team works hard to encourage and support us. We have sheet music for our songs and some of us (!) are up-to-date with our Mp3's, iPod's, smart phones and tablets downloading new songs to learn from music files on the members page of our website!


We have coaching from our umbrella association (the Ladies Association of British Barbershop Singers) and we get together with other choruses at regional and national events for education days organised at the weekend every now and again.  All in all we enjoy our hobby and strive to improve our sound - never forgetting to enjoy ourselves along the way!
Brought to you by Making Music
Copyright © 2025 Silver Lining Chorus